Correspondence from Helen Rand[1] to Annie Horniman




29 January [1898].



My dear Fortiter,


To begin with I want to tell you of G.D. [Golden Dawn] things and I went to see Vestigia [Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum—Moina Mathers] yesterday and had a long talk mostly about you. V.[estigia] is exactly the same as ever and is honestly distressed about the expulsion. She said that the order came from the Higher Chiefs and not from S.R.M.D. [MacGregor Mathers] and when he received it he exclaimed, "not that, it is too hard", and asked if it could not be mitigated. He had expected that there would be something, perhaps a suspension for a short time but was very sorry that there was such a severe order given. V. said he would not order any expulsion on his own account except in a very obvious case. I asked why he wrote to you as if it were a purely personal order of his own and she said he had been ordered to give instructions in his own name lately, or if anything were given out "from the Secret Chiefs" people would be wanting to have these Chiefs produced, &c. She said that for the last year there had been a tremendous test of faith in the Chiefs going on, and over and over again she has wanted to write and tell us to be on guard, but was not allowed to do so . She distinctly said that no one had repeated things about us all to them: she and S.R.M.D. had got astrally all this year the feelings we had against them and the things that were said about S.R.M.D.'s drink, lunacy, &c., but they had no material proof of it until they came over the other day. That the Chief and important reason of your expulsion was that you had grown to put so much personality into your magical working that it perverted all you did. V. told me that when you suggested the money business S.R.M.D. told you that he was doing and should do political work under the Chiefs and should also be mixed up with war and military matters.







1—Helen Rand was a member of the Golden Dawn.


