Correspondence from Theresa O'Connell[1] to William Wynn Westcott
22 August 1898.
Care S.A. [Sapere Aude],
I hope the enclosed will answer your purpose, you are of course at perfect liberty to show it as it contains nothing but the exact truth. It is possible that if the existence of such a statement becoming known to Mathers [MacGregor Mathers] he may snort and denounce it as the mere spite of an expelled member. Therefore you can refer anyone who wants further information to me: but where I still a member of the G.D. [Golden Dawn] I should write exactly the same statement concerning your connection with the Order it being the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
With all good wishes,
Faithfully yours,
Theresa O'Connell
August 22 1898
As certain inaccurate statements, having regard to matters connected with the revival, in 1888, of the ancient Order of the "G.D. in the Outer" have been lately promulgated, I, as one of the earliest initiates of Isis Urania Temple have been requested to set down the facts as I know them. To the best of my recollection they are as follows:-Having been for some time a Student of occult subjects I was, in the year 1 888 invited to join the Rosicrucian Order of the G.D. I accepted, signed the preliminary pledge [form] and was duly admitted to the 0°=0° Grade [of Neophyte] on the evening of the 14th March 1888. The Order as I was then informed had been in abeyance for many years, and was then in course of revival under Dr. Wynn Westcott [William Wynn Westcott] he having been duly appointed by the Chiefs of the College of Adepts [in Paris (deleted)] to undertake the task, as the Head of the Order in England. At the time of my admission the only other initiates were the late Dr. Wm. Woodman (Magna est Veritas), S.L. MacGregor Mathers ('S Rioghail Mo Dhream) and Miss M. Bergson (Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum), now Mrs. Mathers [Moina Mathers]. Dr. Woodman and MacGregor Mathers were associated with Dr. Westcott as co-Chiefs in the working of the Isis Urania Temple but it was always understood that although the three Chiefs held equal authority, Or. Westcott (Sapere Aude) was the original founder and Chief Adept of all the English Temples. He was entrusted by the Continental Chiefs with the MS. rituals, diagrams &c. necessary for the working of the various higher degrees and MacGregor Mathers [was] at that time Praemonstrator of Isis [Urania Temple] rendered him very efficient assistance in translating the Cypher MSS. (which I have seen) and arranging them in suitable form for the use of the initiates. Also he made copies of the various diagrams, symbols &c. used in the [Grade] Rituals from 0°=0° to 5°=6° and was in many ways an efficient co-worker with Dr. Westcott. In Dec: 1890 Dr. Woodman who was advanced in years passed away. He, from the first opening of Isis Urania, had held the office of lmperator and after his death Dr. Westcott was empowered by the Continental Chiefs to appoint S.L MacGregor Mathers lmperator in his place. I was present at a meeting of the Order at Mark Mason's Lodge when Dr. Westcott as Installing Adept conferred the office on MacGregor Mathers. Another member, Dr. E. Berridge [Edward Berridge] being appointed to the vacated office of Praemonstrator. I may mention here that at this date [1890] the Order was increasing in numbers and it was difficult to obtain a suitable place of meeting, therefore Dr. Wynn Westcott was permitted by the Mark Lodge of Freemasons to have the use of their halls for the meetings of the Order. These are the facts as I remember them connected with the refounding of the G.D. in England. Dr. Wynn Westcott being in all cases the Initiator and "Chief Adept" acting in England for the Continental College of Adepts. I shall be happy to give any further information in my power regarding these matters to whomsoever desires it.
Theresa J. O'Connell (late) Ciall Agus Neart, 5°=6° Past H[ierophan]t of Isis Urania Temple of the G.D. 17 Ampton St. WC London Aug. 22 898
1—Theresa O'Connell was a member of the Golden Dawn.