Correspondence from Albert Essinger to William Wynn Westcott




12 September 1898.



The Sanitary Wood Wool Company Limited

Offices:—26 Thavies Inn,

Holborn Circus.

London, E.C.



12 Sep: 1898



I, Albert Essinger, a director of the Sanitary Wood Wool Co. Ltd., now of 26 Thavies Inn, Holborn Circus, London E.C., having been informed that Dr. W.W. Westcott is writing a narrative of the Rosicrucian Order in England do hereby solemnly & sincerely declare that during the years 1887 and 1888 I assisted Dr. W.W. Westcott with a German correspondence; that I translated German letters, and I wrote letters in German for him to correspondents in Germany at his dictation regarding the possession by Dr. W.W. Westcott of Rosicrucian papers and the granting grades and titles in the Rosicrucian Order to him and his nominees. All these letters were signed by mottoes in Latin on both sides, and never by names, and there was never my mention of money nor reward to or for either party. I was not admitted m this Order or Society of students, but I testify that the subject matter was in no way whatever of a political nature nor was there any disagreement between the parties. The motto of the German correspondent was S.D.A. [Sapiens Dominabitur Astris—Anna Sprengel] or similar words, and I signed Sapere Aude for Dr. W.W. Westcott. I have not heard the subject referred to again until the present time and do not recall any further details.


Albert Essinger


In the presence of:—

W.T. Osmond,

3 Sandison St.,


London, S.E.


