Correspondence from Mark Rimmer to William Wynn Westcott
12 September 1898.
The Sanitary Wood Wool Company Limited Offices:—26 Thavies Inn, Holborn Circus. London, E.C.
12 Sep: 1898
I, Mark Cubbon Rimmer, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I was aware at the time that Mr. Essinger did write German letters for Dr. W.W. Westcott about 1888 concerning Rosicrucian papers and I did at Or. W.W. Westcott's request make a photographic copy of one page of curious manuscript in cypher or hieroglyphics and I further declare that Or. W.W. Westcott was in the habit of receiving letters at the Sanitary Wood Wool Co. office addressed to him by mottoes as well as by name.
Mark Cubbon Rimmer
In the presence of:— W.T. Osmond, 3 Sandison St., Peckham, London, S.E.
P.S.: I remember the motto "Sapere Aude".—M.C.R.