Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Wastwater Hotel,





[Undated: circa 1899?]



Dear Kelly,


Let me know how Pelleas is going and if I can help in any way. Also re Agrippa. One thing and another has kept me from getting Jones' [George Cecil Jones] opinion.


What about my design? I have seen a drawing of Althaea Gyles which I will shall use in some way, unless it is expensive, and you are less cantankerous then usual.


Weather here bloody.


"My work is pregnant with mad moons and Suns".


Will you be in town still about the 20th April? When I expect to be back.


How veriform is the universe O Lord!


I have introduced the Epigram with this benighted valley with marked results. My definition of you is "a man of parts, every one of which is greater than the whole". What hole? said the unsuspecting prophet.


I am Crowley here of course.


"To the re-seeing I kiss

your hands and your feet" (Pollitt [Herbert Pollitt])




Aleister Crowley


