Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly
Boleskine Foyers Inverness.
[Undated: circa 1900?]
Care Fra[ter].
Your letter to 67 [Chancery Lane] just reached me by the roundabout way I have arranged. This is grand. I can work like anything. V.N.'s [Volo Noscere—George Cecil Jones] address is Iron Works Basingstoke. M.M.H. is Mark Mason's Hall Gt Queen Str[eet]. I wrote you from Edinburgh re various people did I not? As to parental cussedness, there is your chance to be a magician. Also this applies to anything you cannot do by ordinary means, i.e. don't try and send an astral message to Heffer, giving my compliments, you can go round. But if you cannot do a thing by physical means you may try others.
Every night direct your whole will to (say) coming here. Imagine strongly various scenes, your father yielding, your packing, your journey, arrival, the scenery here, the pictures etc, meeting me and so on. Then conjure up the image of your father in your mind's eye, and when you have got him standing before you almost as solid as if he were there, say "I will go to A.C. at B.F.I. [Boleskine, Foyers, Inverness] in the most determined voice. Go to sleep still willing it. In the morning collect your thoughts directly you awake and repeat the process. Let every incident of the day remind you of your will and devote any spare moment of the imagination formula as well. A very few days of this, interspersed with frequent letters home, stating your will, will certainly have the desired effect. It had best be supplemented by faith in your own success; e.g., in this case, look out your trains, get various things ready, write telling friends you are going and so on.
Talking of things to get. Mrs Rosker, Helvaia Road Wealdstone will make you a robe and nemys like mine (about 15/- I think). Give her your tailor's address for the measurements. I should also get a sword. The Rose-Croix Masonic sword is what I use. Kenning Gt Queen St for sword. Ask M.W.Th [M.W. Blackden] for the "Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram" which will be of great use to you. Best way to do Qabalah is to work out things on paper. This is impossible, and therefore a sound and original course. But your failures will teach you. Also read fast two or three times till the wording is as familiar as Dolores: then study bit by bit. But when you are 3 = 8 you will have a most valuable and important key put into your hands. The introduction is simple, and you will do well to know the attributions by heart. E.g. set yourself a paper such as "Give the Divine, Archangelic, angelic and spheres of planets attributed to Tiphereth in Hebrew, with the spelling correct, and the number to which each name adds up". And so on.
I should get the 1/- Key to Astrology and learn enough of that absurd subject to perceive its imbecility.
If you cannot come, but you will, I shall be South some time and shall invoke your hospitality if you are at T.H. [Trinity Hall?] Or we might trot over to Paris for a few days or weeks. I have to go there anyway, and would like you to meet the Chief [MacGregor Mathers], the Gregarach, the Imperator of Isis-Urania and his wife [Moina Mathers] whose painting makes you wild.
Adieu! the Gods watch over you! Until we meet.
Yours Fraternally