Correspondence from MacGregor Mathers to Florence Farr
87, Rue Mozart, Auteuil, Paris,
18th March 1900.
C[ara] et V[ery] H[onoured] Soror S.S.D.D.,
I approve your choice of officers for the ensuing 6 months for IsisUrania, Temple, No. 3, viz.
I in no way recognize any Committee formed by you to consider my private letter to you concerning the matter upon which I wrote; and I shall not discuss the matter further for the present unless I deem it advisable so to do.
All those complications could have been avoided had you written me an open straightforward letter at the beginning of the year, saying you wished to retire from office.
I duly received Mrs. __________ and her daughter's resignations, which are just as well.
All good wishes from yours fraternally and in haste,
Deo Duce Comite Ferro.