Correspondence from MacGregor Mathers to Percy Bullock[1]
87, Rue Mozart, Auteuil, Paris,
March 23rd, 1900.
C[ara] et V[ery] H[onoured] Fra.[ter] "L.[evavi] O.[culos],"
I thank you for your courteous letters. I in no sense acknowledge the Committee you mention; neither do I intend to go into the matter with you at present.
My letter was a private letter to my then representative, "S.S.D.D. [Sapientia Sapienti Dono Data—Florence Farr]". By this post I write to relieve her of that office. I forbid the meeting of the Second Order called for tomorrow, and I charge you on your pledge of obedience to me as a Theoricus Adept to abstain from further action in the matter.
Yours fraternally,
Deo Duce Comite Ferro, 7°=4°, Chief of the Second Order.
To V.H. Fra. Levavi Oculos, Th[eoricus] Ad[eptus] Mi[nor] 5°=6°
1—Percy Bullock was a member of the Golden Dawn.