Correspondence from MacGregor Mathers to Florence Farr
87, Rue Mozart, Auteuil, Paris,
March 23rd, 1900.
C[ara] et V[ery] H[onoured] Sor.[or] "Sapientia Sapienti Dono Data,"
My letter was a personal one to you, I did not empower you to form any Committee for its consideration, and I refuse to recognize such Committee. I forbid the meeting of the Second Order called for tomorrow; and I charge you on your pledge of obedience to me as a Theoricus Adept to abstain from further action in the matter.
I, furthermore, remove you from your position as my Representative in the Second Order in London, for I can no longer feel confidence in you as such.
Yours fraternally,
Deo Duce Comite Ferro, 7°=4°, Chief of the Second Order.