Correspondence from MacGregor Mathers to Second Order Adepts





15, Randolph Road,

Maida Vale, W.



Monday, April 23rd [1900]



The Envoy of G.[reatly] H.[onoured] Frater Deo Duce Comite Ferro [MacGregor Mathers],

7°=4°, Chief of the S.O. [Second Order] , unto all members

of the London Branch of the S.O.





It is first fitting that I express my sincere regret that members of the S.O. should have been put to unnecessary trouble.


In defiance of a promise given by Mrs. Emery [Florence Farr], Miss Cracknell [Maud Cracknell], and Mr. [E.A.] Hunter, to V.[ery] H.[onoured] Soror Fidelis [Elaine Simpson] and V.H. Frater Perdurabo [Crowley], the rooms were forced open and various property of mine detained, while the projected interviews were made impossible.


The Courts of Law will shortly decide further concerning this action.


It should be mentioned that the story of the masked man is altogether untrue.


I hereby suspend V. H. Sorores S.S.D.D. [Florence Farr], and Tempus Omnia Revelat [Maud Cracknell], and V.H. Fratres Hora et Semper [Edward Hunter], Levavi Oculos [Percy Bullock], and Demon est Deus lnversus [W.B. Yeats], from both Orders.


I must now request that an appointment be made with me by each individual member of the S.0., and at the above address.


Letters may be addressed to Miss Elaine Simpson.


Failing this, or a serious and reasonable excuse, suspension from both Orders will operate automatically at noon on Tuesday.


My authority for this action will be shown to each member on arriving at the interview.


Witness my Seal.


