William Butler Yeats about Interview with William Wynn Westcott
6 June 1900.
D.E.D.I. [Demon Est Deus lnversus] account of interview.
S.A. [William Wynn Westcott] remembers what he himself said fairly though not completely; but less correctly what I said. I went to ask him to tell what he knew about the origin of the documents D.D.C.F. [MacGregor Mathers] declared to be forged. I made it plain to him that 0.0.C.F. would have to substantiate his charges or withdraw them, or clear out. When I found that S.A was afraid to meet the charges in any way I said-here I remember my exact words "your silence will have a very bad effect on the Committee." But has he heard I said the tales of 0.0.C.F. being "erratic." He said "you have a mad man for chief what more can you expect."
June 6, 1900