Correspondence from Moina Mathers to Annie Horniman




87 Rue Mozart,




15 June 1900



To Miss Horniman




I have received your document, etc. In reference to my remaining a member of R.R. et AC., I do not recognize your right to question me on such a point, as I acknowledge no authority save that of the Secret Chiefs, represented now in the outer world by D.D.C.F. [MacGregor Mathers]


As for belonging to any society that you and your friends may have formed, that you choose to misname R.R. et AC., I must decline to be so dishonored.


The whole knowledge, property & MS. of the Order, since the death of Magna est Veritas [William Robert Woodman] were vested in D.D.C.F. & "Sapere Aude" [William Wynn Westcott] & therefore the action of your friends seems to me simply to be one of common thievery, added to perfidy & inconsistency.


Either the knowledge is great & some recognition is due to the giver, or it is worthless. In the latter case, why steal the MSS. & properties?


Both D.D.C.F. & myself had pledged ourselves & made ourselves responsible for you, but now your evil Karma for which we have so long suffered, has departed from us with your action & the time of your expiation is at hand.


"Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum"


