Statement by the Majority of the Council






Feb. 1901.



Statement Issued to Adepti by the Majority of the Council.'



A colour scheme of the Four Scales was given by the late Chief in Paris to Jehe Aur [Allan Bennett], Volo Nosere [George Cecil Jones], and to Crowley [Aleister Crowley] (all juniors). Sapientia [Sapienti Dono Data—Florence Farr] had known it and kept it secret for years. Jehe Aur told her it had been received in vision by Vestigia [Vestigia Nulla Rettorsum—Moina Mathers]. Sapientia showed it last spring to a few seniors who agreed in thinking it incorrect and took no further interest in it. V.[ery] H.[onourable] Fra.[ter] M.W.Th. [Ma Wahanu Thesi—Marcus Blackden] was present at the time when Crowley was freely discussing these scales and he came to the conclusion that a correct version could be constructed with some perseverance from the materials given, and we are working it out on scientific lines, when it is complete you will in due course be informed of the result . . . .


A. That Sapientia when Chief [Adept in Anglia] altered the Minutum Mundum Diagram to suit the [Sphere] Group.


This was done to suit the more esoteric teaching given in the Microcosm Lecture, and to enable the student to identify himself with the symbol more easily.


