Resignation Letter from Annie Horniman




Montague Mansions

Portman Square




Feb. 4th, 1901.



Care et V.[ery] H.[onourable] Frater or Soror,


A Resolution deciding to ask the General Meeting to legalize secret "groups" amongst the Adepti was passed on Friday by a large majority of the Council, which majority was made up of the members of a "group" or "groups". The existence of a "group" has rendered my ordinary duties in the Order extremely difficult, and now my private opposition thereunto has raised most bitter feeling. At the Council last Friday certain of the "group" insulted you all in the person of your chosen Scribe, by proposing resolution which were practically declarations that I am not likely to conduct the coming Election honourably and that I am not sufficiently trustworthy to receive your ballot papers in my own house, and to hand them honestly to the scrutineers. The "group" legalization will lead to disintegration and endless suspicion and will render the Order unable to protect its members if ever undesirable teaching were introduced secretly in our midst. I shall resign my post as Scribe and my position amongst the Twelve Seniors at the General Meeting, but I shall remain a member of the Order and willing to aid any of you in your studies.     I leave no accusation of any evil intention whatsoever against the present "groups." My objections to their legalization is that they are within our Order and yet not of it, that they have a distinct constitution which has special formulas and a formal obligation of secrecy apart from our Obligation. Of course I do not object to members working together informally as I have done myself with many of you .

     This is sent to you by me as a warning from your senior in the Order, not as your Scribe.


Vale, S[ub] U[mbra] A[larum] T[uarum],


Fortiter et Recte T.A.M.


