Correspondence from MacGregor Mathers to the Editor of Light






11 January 1902.



Letter to the Editor of Light.



[On October 13 1901 Mathers wrote a letter to Mr. Curtis Bennett, Esq. Magistrate] to protest against the shameful and utterly unauthorized use of its name (the Order of the Golden Dawn) for their own abominable and immoral purposes by the execrable couple calling themselves "Mr. and Mrs. Horos." Coincident with certain dissensions in my Order, stirred up by a few members, constant fermentors of discord, jealous of my authority, though clamorous for my teaching, the so-called Mr. and Mrs. Horos and a Mrs. Rose Adams, who said she was a doctor of medicine, came to me in Paris in the beginning of last year ( 1900) with an introduction from an acquaintance of good social standing. At this time my name was well known here in connection with lectures on Ancient Egyptian Religious Ceremonies. The female prisoner stated that they had come with the intention of aiding me in this, and she professed to be an influential member of the Theosophical society, and also of my own Order, giving me the secret name of a person of high occult rank in it, who had been reported to be dead some years before. I have yet to learn how, when, where and from whom she obtained the knowledge of that Order, which she then certainly possessed. She was also acquainted with the names and addresses of several of the members, notably of those belonging to the discordant category. [Mme. Horos managed to obtain possession of several MSS. relating to the Order of the G D;] From these she and her infamous accomplices would seem to have concocted some form of initiation under the name of my Order, to impose upon their unfortunate victims.


S.L. MacGregor Mathers (Comte MacGregor de Glenstrre).


