Correspondence from Edward Berridge to the Editor of Light
18 January 1902.
Letter to the Editor of Light.
I have been asked why the Horoses were not punished by occult means. They were so punished. For a considerable time they had carried on their nefarious career with comparative impunity: when, however, they defrauded the Order by misrepresentations and treachery, and attempted to destroy it, the terrible vengeance of the Secret Chiefs fell upon them.
It was necessary, in the interests of society, that their guilt should be openly revealed and punished. Had an occult current then been sent against them, it would have only caused them to exchange the well-merited living death of penal servitude for the comforts of the penal infirmary; and had they been slain by the same means, they would have become dangerous entities on the astral plane and, by obsessing some unfortunate medium, have wrought incalculable harm.
The detective who brought me the stolen property of the Order and its Chief, which I have now returned to the latter, informed me that the woman boasted that she would hypnotize the jury. The newspapers recorded that before each appearance in Court she seemed engaged in silent prayer. No prayer would have emanated from either of the miscreants, unless it was a prayer to Satan! She was really endeavouring to hypnotize her judges and accusers, and also to surround herself with an occult defense against the righteous punitive current which she feared would be sent against her. But it was to no avail.
Her hypnotic devices were perceived by the Chiefs, and a current was sent against her more than once; and resulted in the sudden attacks of illness, of the nature of incipient paralysis, which the newspapers recorded; and it also destroyed her hypnotic power.
The fact of occult science are stem and terrible realities; and all treachery is severely punished in some way or other. Perhaps there will be a further illustration of this in the case of other enemies of the Order.
Resurgam, Fra. R.R. et A.C.
(Cancellarius of the Isis-Urania Temple, of the (real) Order of the G.D. [Golden Dawn])