Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly
[Undated: circa 1903?]
Dear G.
Thanks for your two letters. There are one or two waiting you here—one from Kite—what shall I do with them?
12 pp Ahab have arrived. The ? ! - ( ) are absurdly modern. Shall I get you to design and have outcast proper types, or shall I use full stops only (to the prejudice of the reader) and replace the dash and brackets by the hyphen mark double spaced. You might call at Tooks Court and see the proofs. I am sending back by this post. Thanks for your bibliographical note. I think you should bring all M.S.S. of these with you—esp[ecially]. Unto us a child is born.
Mater is breaking down my nerves. Cudell [?] saved me ME! ! ! from a 'crise' last night: but to-day I am worn out and v[ery] ragged. Mamois party was a g[rea]t success. S. arrived as Bombilelle and Pollitted C. all night—un peu trop fort [A little too much]. Miss L. was delicious—I know what you will say, but I would not that you said it.
I can of course do no work. Mater gets in about 8 hrs a day hysterics etc etc and I'm going on strike. Couriére is better; so Mrs. B and John.
I bid you a. f.
My love to all. I have nobody to love me and it's rot doing it all in the Chitakasa. Isn't it?
A.C. very limp-half-calf.