Correspondence from Aleister Crowley & Rose Kelly to Sybil Meugens
Foyers, Inverness.
[Undated: circa mid to late August 1903]
[in the handwriting of Aleister Crowley:]
Dear Sybil,
I hope you like the Vicarage: it must be rather dull for you, though: and the Camberwell people are not as chic as the 1/4, of course. You have got back to Paris? A French stamp implies this.
It is easy unravelling riddles when you have Coles to tell you in English.
What official notice can you take anyway? Sorry you have not seen Earle. Where is Nelly? Yes: the Vicarage must be (have been?) very dull.
Ye Bard.
Anyway, what is it all about? A.C.
[in the handwriting of Rose Kelly (Crowley):]
Dear Sybil,
Neither the Poet or I can make out what on Earth you want to know!!
Why so frazzled?
Put your question plainly!
G. [Gerald Kelly] was up here the other day in great form. Unfortunately he could not stay. I believe he's now in Norfolk. We hope he and Mr. Back [Ivor Back] are coming here [Boleskine] in Sept.
Excuse haste.
I'll write again soon.
Ms. "Rebecca".
P.S. What is the silly rumour about a marriage?! Can you trace it?