Correspondence from Rose Kelly to Sybil Meugens





Boleskine House





[7 September 1903]



My dear Sybil,


Queer world isn't it?


We think and talk and wonder much what the Quarter says! and care little!!


There never was, or will be, a more [illegible] detail in all the world.


Take my word for it! No one more astonished! than myself!


What are the two reasons for "that" waiting for?


Shall [illegible].


Write at length—there must be some sort of luck in pals after all.




G. [Gerald Kelly] goes south at any time.


Tell me what is said all round—


[illegible] (—as you spill her—tho' I have doubts as to whether its right.)




I had such joy! in sending the payer in one direction. N. Wales!


Poor dear N.H. is not yet what one might call overjoyed at it all—And its all the most wonderful thing in the world!


We were engaged! 18 hours! Night included!!


We shall be in Paris in Oct. before going East—(if we go—as he may have to stay and see the house repairs [illegible] hateful domestic details!)


Paris is [illegible].


How does the world treat you? What of Coles, and the missing wife?


Write to me soon.


Best love [illegible]


Rose Crowley MacGregor

of Boleskine


