Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly




[Undated: circa 1904?]



Dear Gerald.


We are alarmed. Unless most reassuring details are wired, I shall follow this letter. 'Silly and impertinent' because not Art; the news not the kid. Your sketch for folder-lotus I have taken and reproduced for my Rosa Mundi. Orphy [Orpheus] finished; I feel like a free man. Good, had, or indifferent to the press it shall go!


Thanks for all your kind worry re Sword [The Sword of Song]. Rose [Rose Kelly] and N.M.A.H.S.J.L.C. [Nuit Ma Ahathoor Hectate Sappho Jezebel Lilith Crowley] are well thank you. Her address is not difficult: Lady Boleskine Foyers N.B. finds her without fail. Why not be content with 'dear Immanuel Kant', and admit that he does what, if everyone did it, would benefit humanity? Even on the lowest ground, that there is no ground, which I can disprove, and have done, we may yet say that if every one had a title, we should have no more subscriptions to the Daily Mail.




My compliments to Penrhyn Stanlaw; and when may I have my girls heads please? Also yours you slackers.


