Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Numerous Recipients
[Undated: circa August 1904]
Letters and Telegrams: BOLESKINE FOYERS is sufficient address. Bills, Writs, Summonses, etc.: CAMP XI, THE BALTOR GLACIER, BALTISTAN.
(or the feminine of any of these), as shown by underlining it, Courtesy demands, in view of the
(a) tribute to your genius
(b) attack on your (1) political (2) moral (3) social (4) mental (5) physical character
(c) homage to your grandeur
(d) reference to your conduct
(e) appeal to your better feelings on page _____ of my masterpiece, The Sword of Song, that I should send you a copy, as I do herewith, to give you an opportunity of defending yourself against my monstrous assertions, thanking me for the advertisement, or in short, replying as may best seem to you to suit the case. I may add that there can be only one opinion as to part of your duty, i.e., you ought to subscribe to the Society for the Propagation1 of Religious Truth,* and thus aid its noble efforts to get a little sense into the average British or American brain.
Your humble, obedient servant,
1 By whom "The Sword of Song" is published. |