Correspondence from Rose Kelly to Gerald Kelly
[Postmarked 5 August 1904]
. . . All goes well here—the kid "Nuit Ma Ahathoor Hectate Sappho Jezebel Lilith"—to be called by the last name—flourishes—She's a good little maid tho' she does squark occasionally which drives A[leister] out rabbit shooting, we've such a stack to consume in the house! . . . A is very busy. Life jogs on very peacefully—the last fortnight has of course been an upset, but we shall soon settle down again. The place is quite lovely now garden a mass of flowers. I shall be up at the end of the week thanks to the Gods. Enclosed photo of Lilith age 3 days.
"Sword" [The Sword of Song] goes out this week.
Yrs ever.