Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly




Foyers N.B.




Aug 15 [1904?]



Dear Gerald.


Your last received with mingled pain and pleasure. I disagree about the B[lood] Lotus: I think it very fine; and your name is not compromised.


 But the vignette is I imagine not yet printed; I am writing to Renouard to hold it back, and to wait. I send you a size to draw a better design to, since you are so good, and it is your sister [Rose Kelly] that the book is.


I long ago accepted Stanlaws' price for the heads (or drawings). Please tell him what I want is illustrations for the L's A.B.C. [Lover's Alphabet]. I rely on you for 12. Rodin [Auguste Rodin] 9 or 10. Stanlaws 6. Maurice Grieffenhagen some. 12 and 10 and 6 and 6 equal 34. 53 wanted (I think 26 to begin—Vol I as it were). Is the "God-Eater out", Do you live in a ditch d. d. or l. a. p. or in b. with a b.? It was out last October. Prices have gone up since Argonauts came out. In 'Collected' [Collected Works]—a fair amount cut out. I gave Back [Ivor Back] a free hand with the blue pencil. The fact is neither you nor I can tell which is the indifferent work. They may know is A.D. 2904.


But I am moral. For the Nameless Novel (a bloody good title) Book of the Rules (7/6 net) there is much careful revision.


1) Let no sentence stand without reference by name to something usually nameless.

2) Never use the same name twice.

3) Never be voluptuous.

4) Indicate personal friends (Amot [?], Mavers [?] and sich like) with close accuracy.

5) Never mind anything else.


Back will give you an idea of the present scope of the contents—D.J.F's disjectae literae—if you have it not. It is on the cards that I may have to run south in a week or so. I hope not, for literally I grow to Boleskine. We shall see.


Give me your I. of W. address. I suppose you'll fix yourselves somewhere. What may you do to amuse yourself? If you may read I could lend you a Tale of Archais.


Yours ever.




