Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Kelly
Hotel Regina. Paris.
18 Oct. [1904?]
Dear Gerald.
Sandow Home Exerciser—exercises (e.g. patience).
Hence any woman.
Telephone transmits messages faithfully.
Hence inapplicable to women.
Silurian. a geodesic period of early date. Hence its paper is 'atavistic!
Chesterton [G.K. Chesterton] is still dumb.
Has Stalaws gone to America? I believe I have found a use for American men. This is admittedly criptic; I will explain it ere Monday.
I hope this letter will allay the exacerbation caused by my last. Why should I for all my brave words, follow after feminine trouble? I have had my lesson. God do so to me and more also if ———
Yrs ever,
P.S. Why the devil shouldn't I go to the 'low Latin quarter'? I met Howard last Sunday; he seems a good man. I went to Autumn Salon. Haweis represented by the most awful daubs I have ever seen. Patterson by a unique Duke of York's entry into Melbourne, which, may God forgive me him for for I never will' and a firework '14 Juillet' not quite so bad and a very muddled 'impression' of a café bar.
Lavery has a nice 'Mary in Green' and the most appalling full-length of a German officer that imagination could picture. Well-painted they say; but never you fire off your 'subject-matter' cant on me again! I shall reply 'Lavery' or 'Count Schnitzel von Sclieishund' or whatever he may be and you will squash like a moon man in Wells.
Honestly, there is hardly a decent picture in the show, bar Toulouse-Lautrec who fascinates and Rodin the draughtsman who has some dozen drawings, now in method and more purposeful. Yrs. A.C.