Correspondence from Nima Serdar Bhotia to Aleister Crowley










To the General Sahib,




Sir,—I beg most humbly and respectfully to bring to your kind notice that your honour I am Nima Serdar conductor of Sikim feuld and interpeter tibetan language, and your honour has been submitted my Testimonial and your Trustworthy my certificate and allow me for act after a some weeks and therefore your honor beg to inform you I having heard Nungan Sirdar was servant of woodlands Hutal and he stolen a Rickshow of his Masters and sold at in Kurseong a Gentleman when the Manageress got traceing and he was santenced for One year, and alone said Nungan Sirdar freen from the Jail to this morning and appear before you for the work, he is acused, how will be found gentlemans cook, and you will kindly enquiring to the Matter and consedered, and I shall ever, pray.


I have the honour to be, Sir,


Your most obedient servant,





[29 August 1905 - Daily Mail]