Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to the Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Bhamo




Dak Bungalow,




16.12. '05



Dear Sir,


In response to your thoughtful suggestion (conveyed in your favour of yesterday's date), I did myself the honour of presuming to enter into telegraphic communication with H.B.M. Consul at Tengyueh. I will bring to your notice, with your kind permission, my intention to leave Bhamo to-morrow in consequence of the information thus conveyed; but I will refrain from agitating you with other portions of his communication.


These, though, I suspect, will sooner or later be brought before you by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor of Burma; and I trust that you will extend to this gentleman's observations the same prompt courtesy and intelligent attention which you have hitherto been graciously pleased to condescend to bestow upon mine.


I must overwhelm myself in due expressions of gratitude for the untiring pains you have so willing given yourself on my behalf, and trust that efforts so unintermitted have had no prejudicial effect upon your constitution.


I am sure that you have thoroughly enjoyed yourself, virtue being its own reward, and I am sure I can express no more welcome good wish than that fate may soon send you another real white man to treat you as you have treated me.


I have the honour to be, Dear Sir,


Saint E. A. Crowley

The Assistant Commissioner, Bhamo



[The Confessions of Aleister Crowley (Volume III)]