Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
106 St. Mary's Mansions Paddington.
[Postmarked 16 October 1906]
My dear Fuller,
I received your Essay [A Career for an Essay] etc. to-day and read it through. I should like to see you before I send it on to Minos Rhadamanthus and Aeacus. The matter being sub judice I must not say more.
But what you call a book-plate—why call it that? I supposed it a summary of the Essay, and with your permission, should you win, we will have it as such; for a better representation of the whole of my writings in symbolic form I cannot imagine.
Please don't think I wanted to 'sit on you' about Yoga. On the contrary. I think you are one of the few people in this world worth talking to about it: and after all, having "in strange and painful attitude sat, while he was very rude" I am still schoolboy enough to want to 'pass it on'. Thursday evening to Saturday noon would suit me, if you can find a free hour or so, and are as I most sincerely trust, well enough to emerge.
Yours very truly
Aleister Crowley
P.S. Thanks for the St. Augustine. a.c.
Capt. J. F. C. Fuller 7 Sydenham Hill London S.E.