Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
106 St. Mary's Mansions Paddington.
Tuesday [6 November 1906]
Dear Fuller,
Saturday or Sunday we are free any time and glad to see you.
You must be careful—you left a devil behind you last Sunday that came within an ace of killing me! It had a sharp pointed beak (curved) no eyes, a hunched back, no arms or wings, no legs but a single tapering tail, balanced on a rounded piece of its own excrement.
With a thing like that King of the Castle it was a wonder that I who write am alive—for some minutes I really thought it was all over with me. Still, I am glad you left it behind, and I hope it will never trouble you again.
Yours not as mad as I seem
Aleister Crowley
P.S. Your V.R. with its 2500 4to
pp has arrived; also my 'Gematria Dictionary' and other
things you wanted to see e.g. Waite's [Arthur Edward Waite]
'Real History of the
Capt. J.F.C. Fuller 7 Sydenham Hill London S.E.