Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller





[Postmarked 12 March 1907]



My dear Fuller,


I have been too busy to write before now, having just accomplished my


First Missionary Journey


to Cambridge.


Though I had forgotten Neuberg's [sic] [Victor B. Neuburg] name, I found him at the first attempt and for 3 days did I discourse concerning Wisdom and Virtue and Multiscient Truth unto him and his companions.


Hence may arise somewhat.


Now it is written concerning "The Cup" that the last prayer or two are as you say not quite final; the Cup being the pure and equilibrated vessel into which the new wine may flow. 1 return 3 pp. for you to consider.


I am now quite sure that the Cup must come before the Wine. Magically it is so; as a question of art it is so; and above all, it makes the Essay divisible into two equal portions Solve! and Coagula! I-VI volatize the fixed; VII fixes the volatile.

     I have further designed a cover for the book. Longman and are making me a sketch to show you. The rough design hereunder:



This would show up well in (say) red on blue


It is for you to say.


Hope you are getting rapidly well, o anchoret of osborne!


[illegible] regards to your fair lady.




Aleister Crowley



Captain Fuller


Isle of Wight


