Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller





49 rue Vavin




[Undated: 27 June 1907]



My dear Fuller,


I send herewith the Preface and Proem for the W's T. [The World's Tragedy]. Take care of this Preface. I'm always damned nervous till a thing's copied. Will you be good enough to have it typed by a trusty male, as it's a delicate shade of cobalt in parts. Most are swindlers. But we ought to get some man; he'll be useful all along. I'll pay when I see you.


Thanks for Merune de France cutting. Send them Star in the West inscribed (or they won't review it.) I am going to work "Alice" [Alice: an Adultery] through them and your remarks on the same may make then accept Raffalovitch's [George Raffalovich] translation.


I'm sorry your defective intelligence finds my beautifully-ordered diaries chaotic. Even so (deer brothereng!) does the infidel fail to perceive the beauty and harmony of creation.


I am sending you by another post the 1907 diary in privacy and confidence. There's about 114, 278, 394 years penal servitude in it if sent to Plowden.


It's fairly clear. The Kether, Chokmah, Binah, etc entries refer to interviews with Kathleen Bruce; so don't write them up as Samahdi!


You'll notice the alleged attainment in October is not really mentioned at the time, though referred to after. This leaves it to your imagination, which is best.


I am really going (with but one disciple) through Spain, if we can! Starting on Friday to Bayonne, or San Sebastian; and thence padding the hoof.


As soon as I get any idea of my date in Madrid, I'll give you an address there, where you can send the preface to W's T. to me to revise, and I send it to Renouard [printer].


All love and good luck.




Aleister Crowley.


