Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller





[14 October 1907]



In a GD [Golden Dawn] Temple the R.C. and other symbols of higher grades must not be shown, but only the crossed sashes of a Lord of the Paths in the P of the V of the A


Why not an hieroglyphic book? Front of S. in W. [The Star in the West] for one design; your two for others; another elaborate Tree of Life for another; and so on.


I'm not in form for epistles to-day.


There was a devil of a row at 60 [South Audley Street, London] last night. M[Mahatma Sri Agayama Paramahamsa] pressed me to come to his weekly balls; so I came. He urged me to speak; so I spoke. He then revealed his divine self in an exceptionally able manner; I refrained from revealing mine. His D.S. [divine self] reminded one rather of a Navvy's Saturday Night (by the Battersea Burns)


I expect to see Janson to-morrow; probably to lunch. Will write you what occurs.


I should add that I had said nothing offensive; perhaps the final straw was that he had been working up one of his beautiful dramatic effects through all the Pranas and [illegible] and [illegible] to surprise the asses with the conclusion that all was Maya—and I anticipated the holy man's climax. But he had been calling names all the evening.


I'm not quite sure of my tactics; whether to rouse the moral foolishness of the asses at once, or to leave things a bit longer. If we could smash them anytime, I think we could take our pick of the best.


Well, it is all Maya, anyway, and so don't signify.


The incoherence of this letter is mostly due to the circumstances—Chislehurst—under which it is written.






