Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller





[8 June 1908]



Dear Fuller,

I'll probably be over next week for a day or two, but shall be staying at . Of course nobody has had the courtesy to tell you, (or even me), but it is clear the the ultimatum[1] has worked. I suppose Rose [Rose Kelly] thinks that the climb-down is less conspicuous if she pretends it hasn't occurred. Ostrich-wise.


The bad feature in the whole business is that nothing but the actual posting of the letters did any good, and that even up to two days ago she was still blackguarding me to other people.


I shall devise a course consonant to the unintelligibility of the unutterable Tao, such that, whatever may happen, nothing will happen.


(a good sentence, that, Fuller!)


Well, the fight is in a sense over. All I am going to so is to tie down the cabling to stringent conditions of peace. Or rather, of truce; for Leslie [Dr. Murray Leslie] has authorized her to have baby [Lola Zaza Crowley] in order to help her to comply with her husband's conditions (poor mad Aleister) and if after 1, 2, or 3 months etc etc.


Absolutely the letter I wanted; a clear vindication of all I have done.


I will wire you the exact hour of my arrival; I should like you, if you will, to meet me and have a meal with me before I go on to 21 [Warwick Road, London].


I shall be very busy the few days I'm in town; but must go thoroughly into the 13 book and the Scaffolding[2] with you. Also I think it would be a good plan to meet G.A.A. just once to impress him with the desirability of shitting or getting off the pot and returning the £7.


Yours ever




1—[The set of conditions Crowley insisted upon before agreeing to come back to London and continue living with Rose again.]

2—[An early attempt to write Crowley's spiritual biography.]



[enclosed with letter—from Liber LXV]



[on the reverse]


June. 1908



Jones [George Cecil Jones] thinks that your popular account of the GW [Great Work] as done in the MSS at your disposal is the most useful thing to start interest.


He didn't think it any good to issue the whole MSS in [illegible] at this stage.




Expect you 3.30 Friday.




Captain Fuller

89 Overstrand Mansions

Prince of Wales' Road


London S.W.


