Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[Undated: circa July 1908]
My dear Fuller,
Fancy Nina [Nina Olivier] a grave and beautiful Greek girl, self-conscious to the finger-tips—almost a philosopher. Fancy the young green on the trees and the blue sky over it, and the tried-out head between the knees. Passion burnt through to peace of love; the worry of London wiped out as with a sponge; one's motto 'Take care of to-day, and to-morrow will take care of itself.
No M'Cabbage, no evil and averse Dionysus, no bills, no 'store clothes'; nothing but the grass and the trees and the flowers and the sun and the stars and ————— Nina. Nina grown grave and beautiful and Greek; the terrible scouring volcanic passion of —[illegible]—grown subtle, delicate, rapier for cutlass.
[illegible French]. And these waters heal as Bethesden never did. Oh Fuller, I did not know how near I was to death until these first thrills of sensation took me.
But why should I write? People only write when they are tired of living. And I am just beginning to live.
Yours—mais non! my own again
Aleister Crowley
This was meant for a business letter!
A poor attempt.
I can't think of even one of the numerous things I wanted to say.
Captain J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea S.W.