Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[Bell Hotel, Sandwich]
[Postmarked 6 July 1908]
My dear Fuller,
I wrote to Freke Palmer, who appeared to be obsessed by Mahatma's [Sri Agayama Paramahamsa] Will-Power, to put him on his nettle by quoting M's [Mahatma's] boast that his magick could laugh at law.
If I had a London postmark handy and a trusty but unliterary accomplice, I would send to Plowden at the Police Court a letter with hexagrams, snakes etc threatening to blast him if he convicted or rather 'committed'. Put the magick spells inside and out, and they'd be bound to see it before the case came on.
Even if it were spotted, it would be but a practical joke and a good ad. But it would be unspottable.
I'm quite serious in thinking that M. did try to hypnotise Freke Palmer. He almost wanted to withdraw, and Plowden wouldn't let him. To-morrow Plowden may himself be under the 'orrid spell.
In any case a talisman of the sort I describe would be a counter-irritant to any psychic pressure of the Puranic plumber. Plowden would be found to talk big about the backbone of the Briton.
I wish you would make a point of attending in court (as well) and enlightening the obviously ignorant Plowden if necessary.
It could do no harm and might do a lot of good to the Elephant Mahatma and his Mabout.
Yours ever, my dear Bostock
I'll write soon re. B.V.M. [Blessed Virgin Mary] and other thoughts.
Send Jacobi a fiver when you've one to spare for the 'Liber Cordis' account. Else he won't go on with it.
Please send nothing on but pure friendly drivel. I was just getting quiet when the mail irritated me badly.
Captain J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea London S.W.