Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller




49 rue Vavin




[Postmarked 18 July 1908]



Dear Fuller,


If I have seemed lack in writing to you, the enclosed will explain better than any words of mine would do.


But it seems to me that you owe me a letter, if not two. I suppose you are working [illegible] sword and trowel at the [illegible] scaffolding.[1]


Nina [Nina Olivier] talks of going to buy land in a fort night, and if she will call and see you to thank you for your kind words. You will do me a favour by not solving the enclosed.


Christ! what a hell of a time we're having! I've written a nice mystic play 'Mr. Todd' i.e. Death 'Tod' in the hope of [illegible], like a crowbar.


Aleister Crowley



1—[An early attempt to write Crowley's spiritual biography.]


Captain J.F.C. Fuller

89 Overstrand Mansions

Prince of Wales' Road


London S.W.


