Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[6 October 1908]
XIII [Liber Pyramidos (DCLXXI)] is awfully good; I on the Fifth Great Day of my Magical Retirement, affirm it! I'm at it now; we'll make the world shake to its music. [Excuse my emotion]
Paints to use—yours are all wrong.
Aries. Scarlet Vermilion. Leo. Pale Cadmium. Libra. Emerald. Sagittarius. Cobalt. Scorpio. 'Electric blue.' Aquarius. 'Cobalt Violet.'
The rest as you will.
I've got some 100 pp pf Magical Diary done these 5 days. I've invented a new private ritual and am illuminating it—a devil of a job. Lord! what a time I'm having.
By the way, send me a cheque for £5. I will not cash it until I have to leave for London; so I can repay you before it ever gets to the bank. So don't hesitate merely because you're overdrawn!
Yours between two cycles of Pranayama.
Next time you lend paints have more than one brush!—I'm sorry, though; forgive me!
Captain J.F.C.Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea London S.W.