Correspondence from Lord Dunsany to J.F.C. Fuller
Dunsany Castle Station, Drumree Meath RY
17 February 1909
My dear Fuller,
Very many thanks for letting me know about the Equinox. I expect it would interest me very much. I never heard of the Qabalah Philosophy. I have not by me at the moment the 'Equinox's' address. I wonder if you would mind forwarding to them the enclosed P.O. for 10? and asking them to send me the review, especially the number that was advertised in the circular you sent me with list of articles that appeared in it. I should be immensely obliged to you if you would do that for me.
Yours [illegible]
Captain J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea Park London S.W.