Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[Undated: circa May 1909]
Dear Fuller,
I return MS. of
Liber O, so that you may enjoy it; also to ask you to
remember to design the
I am in the hands of one Solomon Myers, whom I suspect to be of extraction, though it would be difficult to give a reason. It's one of those astral intuitions that advanced occultists sometimes get.
Anyhow, I don't know if he means to skin me alive or skin the academy alive. But it's dead sure that somebody will get skinned!
I have finished—though I doubt if it's any good—Sir Palamedes the Cocksucker. Here is the scheme of him. Damned bad work it has been; on the stocks since November 1905! As bad as Orpheus, nearly. Yet there's a bare 2000 lines.
I enclose also Mudd's [Norman Mudd] wire.
Cambridge seems both mysterious and serious. They've evidently held council of war. I shall be glad to have Napoleon Fuller back in London. Perhaps Monday morning will bring a letter.
It's about 3 A.M. now, I guess. Anyhow, there's cats wailing!
Yours, tired and wakeful,
Aleister Crowley