Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Wilfred Merton
[on the stationary of The Equinox]
21 Warwick Road S.W.
5 - 6 - 09
My dear Schmeichen [Wilfred Merton],
Here are the figures for Sir Palamede. £35.0.0 covers it, if we take the binding at 6d.
It could be sold at 7/6 or even 5/-, as the cost works out at about 1/4 a copy. I would be content with a small royalty—sixpence if you like. I am beaten down by the Philistines at present, and this mill-grinding tires me!
So my motto is: damn profits; cut exes!
I would give free advts in Equinox and get some reviews. I won't republish for 18 months clear.
In any case, I continue your 1/2 page Green Garland. But help me if you can!
Ever yours,
Aleister Crowley.