Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Katharine Susannah Prichard







21 Warwick Road







Dear Miss Prichard,


Mr. Barr of the Idler was good enough to forward me your Diana of the Inlet which he could not use.


I could print the story in The Equinox, in spite of its length; and would, for I was exceedingly taken with its beauty, alike of theme and setting. I print nothing, by the way, which appears to me to miss the highest standard.


But—or rather therefore!—my circulation is small, and the funds at my disposal, meagre. I do not know what you would want for the story; perhaps you would let me have a line.


I sent you a copy of The Equinox a few days ago. We have no agents in Australia, and have had so far no reviews. I do not know whether you would (or could) take it up for us in Melbourne; nor can I suggest any very definite scheme, ignorant as I am of the possibilities of the country. The only acquaintance with Australian periodicals dates from my explorations in the Baltoro Glacier and "K2" (where the Duke of the Abruzzi is this year), when some kind friend sent us The Sydney Bulletin!


Assuring you of my deepest artistic sympathy and respect.


I am


Yours very truly


[signed] Aleister Crowley


P.S. You should appreciate the following, in 'Vanity Fair' office a few weeks ago. They printed an article by Ben Tillett; and some ass headed it 'Sydney, South Australia'! When the present editor called to protest, they cut him short with "How silly! just as if everyone didn't know where Sydney was, without being told!"


