Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to the Occult Review




To the Editor of the Occult Review.


Sir,—I have for some time been preparing a treatise on “The Herb Dangerous,” i.e. Hashish, Cannabis Indica. From time to time I have seen pictures and drawings on this fantastic subject, and am proposing to illustrate the book with a collection of such drawings.


Perhaps any of your readers who have such pictures, or who can give me information on the subject, would be kind enough to communicate with me?


I should be very glad, moreover, to receive accounts of any psychic experiences which any of your readers who may have experimented with Hashish, Anhalonium Lewinii, Stramonium, Belladona, or other drugs can give me. Such communications would be treated as strictly confidential.


Thanking you for kind publicity,


I am Sir,


Your obliged and obedient servant,

The Editor of "The Equinox"


14 Tavistock Street, W.C.