William Wynn Westcott about Aleister Crowley and The Equinox





October 1909



October 1, 1909: No. 2 of [Crowley's] The Equinox. Crowley pub[lishe]d Rituals of G.D. [Golden Dawn] 0°=0° to Portal with their diagrams.


Oct. 5, 1909: Heard from [R.W.] Felkin thereon.


Oct. 5, 1909: Ans[were]d Felkin; I can do nothing.


Oct. 18, 1909: Heard from Felkin that Mathers [MacGregor Mathers] proposes to take legal action.


Oct. 19, 1909: Heard from [Percy] Bullock on the phone thereon. He thinks M.[athers] might even now register copyright, but as M. said the Ritual to Crowley he has made a common user and could not legally restrain Crowley.


