Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Katharine Susannah Prichard







15, Tavistock Street,

Covent Garden, W.C.



Nov. 8th, 1909.



Miss Katherine S. Pritchard,

The Herald Office,

Melbourne, U.S.A.



Dear Miss Pritchard,


Thank you very much for your letter, and the kind way in which you leave the question of the price of "Diana" [Diana of the Inlet] to me. We are not likely to be able to publish it until No. 4, so that there is plenty of time, and I cannot tell at present what we shall be likely to be able to afford. What I would do with pleasure in any case would be to strike off "Diana" as a separate book from the same plates, and have it published in England for your benefit. I am pretty sure that I could get a publisher if that would suit you.


I am very glad you liked the prose in the Equinox. It is unfortunate in England that we have not the objects which suggest such a jewelled glow and colouring as you get in "Diana". The only pictures one gets in London are the Inferno Fog-pictures. I am just going off for a couple of months to Spain, being colour-starved.


Yours very truly,


[signed] Aleister Crowley


P.S. I will send you proofs quite shortly. a.c.


