Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[Marseille, France]
[Postmarked 17 November 1909]
Thanks for note. You mention Crans 'charge' but don't say what he alleges. It's "colder than Iceland" here; we [Victor B. Neuburg and Crowley] go on straight to Algiers, to tramp up to the Sahara. Will send address when possible. I want to hear of the Camb. [Cambridge] effort. If a fiasco, buck them up and remind them that the first aeroplanes didn't fly. Simpkins [publisher] has all the No. 2s [of The Equinox].
I answered Bickers' boy hunchbacks. All these people will be damned useful when we've had them in hand for a year or two: so don't be too critical. You don't replough fields in June. We'll root out the Tares when they're grown a bit.
Must go and find bandobast with the thief Cook so hasta luego.
Send enclosed onto G.C.I.
Re. Eq. [Equinox]
Write Spare [Austin Osman Spare] for drawings promised. Offer him that little commission to sketch the Princess if you like; but don't make good till he gives the Eq. Send him the 2 blocks of his drawings from No. 2. the demons.
Am writing [Norman] Roe to hustle through his story.
Capt. J.F.C. Fuller 89 Overstrand Mansions Battersea London S.W.