Correspondence from J.W. Brodie-Innes to William Wynn Westcott





1 December 1909



M.[athers]'s [MacGregor Mathers] solicitor tackled publisher & printer of The Equinox—both I understand disavowed any responsibility & said Crowley was proprietor & solely responsible. It is thought they will give an undertaking to print no more. Crowley has bolted & wrote to a friend from Pas de Calais that he was stony broke—this is a lie for his mother keeps him—however, probably he won't appear & an injunction will be granted against him in absence & so an end for the present. When he breaks that injunction (as he will) there will be "wigs on the green."


Do you retain memory enough of the G.D. [Golden Dawn] MSS. to answer this question? I have a very excellent copy of Schemahamphoresh which you had made for me—I know not from whence. On comparing it, which I have now done for the first time, with the Hebrew Bible, I find some of the texts are misquoted & so as possibly to vitiate the whole—e.g. the texts from the Psalms, where in the names of the angels are drawn are said to be those containing יהוה, but in two or three instances this word in interpolated & is not in the original. Now is there accessible and Authorized Version of Schem Ham—or what is the explanation? May an old friend dare intrude on your learned leisure with such a query?


