William Wynn Westcott about MacGregor Mathers
[Undated: circa 1910]
Samuel Liddell Mathers
Born Jan. 8 1854-educated at Bedford.
Lived at Bournemouth with his widowed mother until her death in 1885.
He had tried to enlist, but was too slight and his sight defective. Was a private in Hauts Artillery Volunteers.
Wrote and published poems in 1885.
Came to London very poor and I helped him much while he wrote and pub[lishe]d Tarot Cards in 1886 and Kabbalah [Unveiled] in 1887.
Dr. [William] Woodman and I introduced him to Soc[ietas] Rosic[rucians] in April 1882.
He was initiated a Freemason in Hengest Lodge in 1887.
About 1887, he took the name of MacGregor and said he was a Highlander.
About 1890 he said he was count of Glen Strae.
Hermetic Students of the G. D. [Golden Dawn]
Woodman, he and I founded G.D. in 1887 and we swore [our Oaths] on March 1 1888 as Isis Urania Temple.
He consecrated Horus Temple Oct. 19 1888 and read the Historical Lecture also on Nov. 1888.
In Dec. 1891 he introduced R[osere] R[ubere] et A[urere] C[rucis] = 5°=6°.
Jan. 1 1892 M.[athers] said he was a 7°=4° and that I was a nominal 7°=4°.
Westcott S.[upreme] M.[agus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia] since 1892.
1888-9 he was keeper of Horniman's [Annie Horniman] Museum.
[June 16 1890] Married Mina Bergson [Moina Mathers] by Rev. Ayton.
Mrs. Horniman kept him [financially] until about 1895.
I gave up offices in G.D. and his Rosic[rucian]s in 1897 and left.
Roll of membership and other notable papers in black box for his Officers and friends.
It is 14 years since I have attended any meeting of G.D. in his Rosics or have looked at Rituals.
But I know there was a "Historical Lecture, " whose terms I stick to whatever happens.
I state M. wrote G.D. Rituals at my invitation and on my bases, but I gave to him any rights I may launched to copyright and grant his sole supremacy in his 5°=6° Ordo Rosre Rubere et Aurere Crucis on his granting my claims to origins [of] G.D. information.