Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett





124 Victoria St. S.W.






Dear Sir,


I am sorry to be at present unable to come up to Lancashire, or I would do so. My work is at present very pressing: later on I may have an opportunity; and then, if you wish, I will see you. The malice of the demons is a thing unbelievable until one has experienced it; but a firm confidence allied to most profound humility shall suffice by the favour of the Holy Ones to accomplish the Work.


I enclose the Angelic instruction referred to. You will notice that there is no open reference to the Convocation of the Spirits. But something of the sort is necessary, by some strange law. No sooner has one obtained to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel than one must go forth and face all the legions of the Pit. It seems a universal law; in the Higher Operation to which you may afterwards aspire, that which makes you what men call a Master of the Temple, it is found that no sooner does one take one’s seat, nameless and indistinguishable in the darkness of N.O.X., than one must cross the outermost abyss and comfort him who is Lord of those from great Princes of the Evil Things.


If you are in any doubt or difficulty, write to me. You will find us prompt to answer and to aid.


With all the sympathy of comradeship,


I am,


Yours in truth,


Aleister Crowley


