Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett




[on the stationary of The Equinox]



124 Victoria St.







Dear Mr. Bennett,


What you report is rather good in a way, because it shows you are getting some results. But of course it implies also that your sphere is not closed. I should use the banishing Rituals of Hexagrams and Pentagrams to begin and end each meditation, and also assumption of the God-form of Harpocrates. I think I should do less reading and more gardening; and in particular I should go to a doctor and make sure that the symptoms are removed so far as they are physical.


But unless you have a lot of experience of ceremonial magic you ought to be in for a hot time! Not easily do the great Princes allow a man to wrest their scepters from their grasp.


I think, by the way, it is a great mistake to go on with 'Co-Masonry' or any other kind of magic or semi-magic, while you are at Abramelin. It is no good at all working at Abramelin's system or our own unless you conform to its minutest details. Did you, for example, give money to 72 paupers to recite penitential psalms? From what river did you get the sand for the service? What magician who has achieved the Operation gave it to you in the proscribed fashion? You certainly didn't start at Easter! All these things, believe me, are essential to success.

If, however, you still remain obsessed by "voices" and such things after really trying the and   rituals and Harpocrates and if concentration still hurts you I think it will be wiser to give up the Operation for a time and learn the game under circumstances of less danger. Courage is the finest of qualities, but a brave man doesn't run his head in to an express train.


Yours fraternally,


Aleister Crowley


