Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
7 Eagle Road Rye
[Postmarked 31 August 1910]
Dear Fuller,
Sorry not to see you before I went, but it was a devil of a job to get off at all.
This air is doing me lots of good; I am nearly fit already. To-night I read through your Temple Stuff [The Temple of Solomon the King] again, and aught provisionally tackle P's article to-morrow.
I return on the 31st. What about you?
There is some hope, by the way, of things turning out right for us all. Don't say a word until it is a fait accompli, as you are financially invested, and a word might ruin all. Believe me, I shall be exceedingly glad to feel that my great debt to you is (in one way at least) discharged.
In a week I hope to send you your
dedication copy of
Aleister Crowley.
Capt J.F.C. Fuller 1 Carlton Villas Coors St Lynton Devon