Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
[on the stationary of The Equinox] 124, Victoria Street, S.W. TEL: 3210 Victoria
10 . IX . 10 [9 September 1910]
Dear Fuller,
Thanks for [illegible] just received.
I will see to your Carrousel man. As his man is Dunston, he ought to pinch the devil's nose with red-hot curling-irons.
Lloyd [Harold J. Lloyd]. [see 7 September 1910 - Lloyd to Fuller]
Does 'decrevi' mean 'I've gone bust'?
His P.Y. [pranayama] seems wrong. You begin down left nose, up left nose, down right nose, up right nose, down left nose etc ad [illegible].
He can study easily because his thought flows. It is exactly the difference between riding a bicycle and keeping still on it.
I should advise him to avoid overstrain, and to come and see me when in London next so as to get a start of Astral Visions.
He should learn his chapter of LXV and get it over. I think I should like to see his physical body. He appears to have no lung development.
I'm in fearful haste, having to get put this pamphlet on the Rites of Eleusis, and work out the rituals etc.
The new Equinox will serve as an altar at a pinch.
This pencil line shows the base!
Capt J.F.C. Fuller 7 Richmond Villas Stanton Road Ilfracombe